Tuesday 31 October 2017


During the nudist beach scene, at the beginning of the first episode of Cuffs, we experience two nudists and five stag men having a fight. It is made clear to the watchers that the stag men were the instigators  as we can see the nudists are, almost shamefully, covering their dignity with a towel. The antagonists also hold props to show their thought of their own authority in the situation, the props consist of: A human sized play doll (which they could have just to make fun of the nudists), swords and viking helmets. Once the policeman came along, we could see who actually was in authority. we know this because of his formal uniform, having equipment at his hand and how he is telling everyone what to do.

Another example would be when we see Nathan in his house, after cutting his wrists. We see that he has some control of the situation as he is the one who is being asked whether he would open the door. However, we know that he is under an influence of possibly drugs and he doesn't seem emotionally stable, therefore it seems more likely that the policemen are going to get what they ask for.

1 comment:

  1. 2 and a half out of 5 marks
    Thoughtful level of analysis on the naturist beach scene (eg. 'almost shamefully, covering their dignity with a towel' and 'to show their thought of their own authority in the situation'). Better if you had explain the symbolism of the Viking outfits.
    Your second example doesn't cover mise-en-scene, as if you got distracted and forgot what the question was about.
