Thursday 5 October 2017


In the first scene there are three very different groups: the nudists, the criminals and the single policeman. The criminals are committing crimes by making fun of the nudists and eventually punching the policeman in the face. The group of criminals must just have seen the nudists and thought it was hilarious that people would live in that way. So, therefore, they videoed them and made fun of the nudists, showing off the bad side of them. The nudists would have seen this in a completely different way.

Following their own beliefs as nudists, the fact that they are getting insulted and practically attacked is probably very hurtful to them, however the fact that they get annoyed with the policeman for not being efficient enough, shows that they may of deserved the taunting and that they are not respectful people. The policeman, on the other hand, is the one who is really put in the light of the victim. He arrives to help a bunch of naked people, then no-one really takes much attention in him and then the criminals physically attack him before running away and then the nudists insult the policeman. It was a very strange scenario for an audience member, however it is likely that the policeman has been in stranger situations so he may not have been so surprised. However he must have been irritated that no-one seemed to car he was there and that he got punched for trying to break up a fight.

The close-up from the camera shows clear expressions of irritation and frustration from the policeman, taunting, jeering and an almost look of excitement from the criminals and a look of pure anger and slight embarrassment from the nudists. The close-ups are a good way to identify different emotions in detail.

The reason this scene depicts the police's point of view more than the criminals point of view is because we see the policeman driving in his car and then walking down the beach, proceeding to struggle with the situation. The voice-over in the background is also talking about a policeman's duties and struggles and so we look for the struggles of the policeman. Also, we can relate more to the policeman as we can understand his struggle more than the nudists and the criminals because we are, generally, more like him than the other groups. 

1 comment:

  1. 7 (= strong B)
    Go cautiously in your definition of the stag-night revellers: they are not hardened criminals but they do cross the line as they cause an affray (and assault a police officer, as you state.
    The quality of your analysis and thoughts about the incident show great maturity, subtlety and intelligence. You bring your analysis to a thoughtful conclusion, using terminology from film language.
