Tuesday 3 October 2017


During a television program or a movie, sound is used to create either emotion, tension or fear for an audience member. Different types of music are used for different types of feelings, for example slow music (either low or high) would be used to create tension in a certain scene, fast, high-pitched music might be used to create terror or a nice, tuneful song might be used to show romance.

Sound is an invisible but powerful tool for generating meaning. Sight is a very powerful thing to create emotion and so the fact that we can watch things to create feelings is excellent. However, sound is also very great in creating emotion. The fact that we can combine, both audibly and visibly. our emotions is amazing.

For example, in the Avengers they use steam trains noises to keep indicating that they are on a train and headed somewhere. For the chase scene there is a racing squeaky tune that repeats itself over and over to create panic and tension.

1 comment:

  1. Everything that you say is quite correct, but the text was Cuffs. However, you did the work and answered sensibly in identifying two kinds of sounds.
    Grade A
