Friday 29 September 2017

filming and editing

Today we went outside and did some filming. We started by going through the cameras to make sure we knew how to work them, for example: we found the power buttons, the video button, the camera button, how to put the battery in and how to hold the camera (never touch the lens).

We next went outside to film our re-make of the trailer "Forrest Gump". I was in a group of three that consisted of me, Rahim and Ben. The first thing we did was search for a feather which was symbolic of a 'free soul'. The real trailer started off with a feather floating past Forrest and so we wanted to include this in our trailer. It took around five minutes to find a good enough feather for our trailer Rahim sat on a bench as I dropped the feather from above the camera. This scene took the most attempts because we kept laughing throughout! Eventually we got the footage we needed and moved onto the fight scene. Rahim and Ben did a fake fight, just like in the actual trailer and then I mimicked Jenny by yelling "Run Forrest, run!"

Then we filmed countless running scenes: across the field, down the mansion steps, in a bush, down a hill and into the media studio. The scenes involved a lot of running but the majority of them only needed one shot.

We then watched a video on how to edit using imovie. After we had learnt how to edit we downloaded our movie clips, that we had filmed, onto the computer and then we opened imovie and started editing. So far I have edited two of the clips, taking out the parts we don't need at the end and the beginning and then I put a spin transition between both of the chronological clips.

1 comment:

  1. Grade A work
    So you knew about the feather!
    Your account shows the good quality of work that you did in filming. I look forward to seeing the edit.
