Friday 3 November 2017


PREP Analyse how editing is used in the extract from Cuffs to create meaning. Refer to at least two examples from the extract in your answer. (This means that a good candidate will write fully and freely, covering more than just 2 examples, as we practised in class).
Worth 5 marks: write half a side of A4 and post on your blog tonight. If you have DoE, take an extra 24 hours.

In the first episode of Cuffs, we understand that Jake and his leading officer don't get on too well. However, during a scene in the changing room the editors use a shot reverse shot to signal the sensitive moment between the two. During that moment the shot reverse shot helps the watcher see that they are starting to bond and the fact the leading officer is offering for him to join them with their training is big step for their relationship, as at first it is extremely rocky.

Another example of editing in Cuffs is when the four police officers are training together. There is a dissolve transition used as we see that they do multiple laps and so the characters begin to fade over one another. It starts off where all of them are running from cone to cone before a time laps occurs, showing a more sweaty, tired version of them, over top of the more confident version.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 3 out of 5
    1. Your EAA is very sound as you explain the context intelligently. Now nail the point by deepening this, i.e.saying that Ryan initially distrusts Jake because he suspects favoritism in his promotion, but Jake proves his worth in his courage protecting Ryan from an armed, aggressive attacker.
    2. EAA needs amplifying: it shows how hard and long they train. In particular, which officers keep going whilst the others flag, showing who has the most determination and stamina. The event itself also shows their teamwork, with Jake invited and accepted for the first time as an equal, as he did well tackling the previous crime.
