Thursday 4 January 2018


Analyse how genre codes have been used in The Lego Movie poster campaign to appeal to a family audience. (10 marks)
In the setting of the movie poster, the movie title is the biggest piece of text on the poster because it is the most important thing about the movie. Not only does the it tell you what the movie is about but it also defines it. On the Lego movie poster, the title 'THE LEGO MOVIE' is made to be bold, big and loud so that it draws the attention of others and shows everyone what it is about. The title is also made from lego to define this. The tagline on the poster says 'the story of a nobody who saves everybody.' this is a very eye-catching tagline because it uses a contrast of words and also audience members might feel able to relate to the beginning of it and want to see how a 'nobody' saves 'everybody'.

The main image on the cover of the poster also draws the audience's attention in. Emmett is positioned in the center whilst being surrounded by familiar characters such as batman and superman who we can't relate to. However, upon seeing a random guy in a builders outfit, running with superheros away from explosions, this would certainly draw audience members in. In the image, they also look very scared, however, the fact that they are lego would appeal to younger kids but the additional info, that there is evidently action involved would draw the older audiences in too. Therefore this makes the genre codes draw in members from a family audience.


The appeal of the character Emmett would be a strong one from audience members because, whilst there is a cast of superheroes and well known characters surrounding the poster, there is this guy in a builders uniform, standing center of the commotion, which develops the curiosity of how this underdog has come so close to excitement. Also, the fact that there a so many familiar characters stationed on the poster, creates an excellent opportunity for people to want to see the movie because of these loved characters that appear to be in it. It also shows that, if they are in it, there must be a lot of excitement encased within the movie.

In the individual character posters, we get a clear sense and visual of what the characters are like and who they are. In the Lord Business poster, we get an extreme close-up of a guy who is baring an angry face. To represent his evil character, he has his eyebrows furrowed and his teeth bared in a snarl. There is also a lot of frown lines placed on his face, which shows he is not a happy man. Upon his head there is a red hat that has jagged edges. The jagged edges are symbolic of teeth, which shows he should be feared, the hat is also red which is often known as a colour of both fear and determination. In bold, at the top of the poster it tells us who he is and who plays him. This is important so that any fans of the actor can be drawn into watching the movie. Additionally, the fact that he is called Lord Business puts a unique spin on the story and also draws in audience members.

On wild styles poster, we have another extreme close-up. From this poster, we can see she is not a stereotyped female role, which would certainly bring attention to the movie. We can see this from the poster because she has highlights through her hair, and her hair is strewn up in a way that would suggest she was ready for action. She also has a grin on her face as if she has done something naughty.

1 comment:

  1. Q. 9: mark 5 out of 10
    1. You make several relevant points. Apart from curiosity about how such an 'ordinary character' as Emmet can succeed,what about the appeal of the audience identifying with Emmet, as ordinary would-be heroes themselves?
    You note the bold bright colours with explosions, the recognizable Lego branding.
    I am surprised that you state that the familiarity of Superheroes is not an appeal! You acknowledge the audience but should develop the 'family' audience points, such as the appeal of the ordinary person who reaches heroic status.
    2. Separate paragraph for the ensemble poster and the other 4, which you should refer to in rather more detail, not just the Emmet poster.
