Thursday 25 January 2018


For our short sixty second horror clips we filmed today, my group decided to use the prop of a doll from st.lucia. Firstly we devised a quick plan for what our horror clip would be and we instantly came up with the idea of pretending this doll was a voodoo doll (a doll that, however you hurt it, it hurts the person of your choice too)We started by heading to creepy scenery, which we chose the tunnel for because it is dark and used to be the dungeons of a castle. Because the lighting was bad, we had trouble focusing on the different objects and walls, and when we were filming the clips often came out blurry. However, in the end, we managed to get the videos we needed with the right amount of focus and light to succeed in being a horror clip.

It was also a small struggle to be able to represent the pain of what we did to the doll, to the people as well. For example, the first thing we decided to do was hit the dolls head against a wall, which meant that I had to then also hit my head against a wall. I didn't really want to hurt myself so we had to figure a way to do it believably but without me actually having to do it. Eventually we successfully figured out a way to do so.

1 comment:

  1. You give a clear account of the challenges of the shoot! Getting crisp focus is the number one aim. I hope that you didn't hit the doll's head against the wall. I am fond of my doll.
    Your task was to do concept development for a film opening with an enigma narrative code. You and your team worked well and used the school tunnel creatively. You now need to complete the editing.
    I look forward to the final edit and will award a mark when you feel that it is finished.
