Tuesday 9 January 2018


Explain two reasons why a film company would release a video game linked to a film? 

One reason why film companies would release a video game related to a movie, is for further promotion. Having a game that highlights the main characters of a loved movie, gets you to join in and enables you to know more about the movie. The Lego Movie video game is perfect for all audiences and it gives everyone, from all ages, the ability to enjoy more of the Lego world. This could lead to more views of the movie, from either people who have heard or played the video game, but haven't watched the movie or the want to see the movie again, after having a lot of fun playing the video game.

Another reason for the creation of the video game is to raise profits. As the Lego movie was an extremely popular box-office hit, the idea of creating further things related to the world is a perfect idea to get more money from the story. Having the video game based on the popular characters of the Lego World and enabling anyone to become the hero, is a perfect way to advertise the story and make additional money from what the movie made. It draws more people in and gets more people involved with the world too. 

1 comment:

  1. Mark 3/4
    You have mostly got this. Don't be afraid to state the obvious: vertical integration enables a business (like Warner) a to maximize the potential of a brand, in this case, Lego. It gives the existing audience new experiences and pleasures outside the film and reaches new audiences, such as non-cinema going video game players. With its successful global subculture, due to its vertical integration of games, films, magazines and competitions, the Lego brand can reach out to a larger audience through its range of products.
