Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Question 1 (5 marks): Analyse how mise-en-scene is used in the extract to create meaning. Refer to at least two examples from the extract in your answer.

In this extract, mise-en-scene is used through the use of outfits to create meaning. The criminals are all dressed in similar outfits: baggy trousers and t-shirts that are generally dirty. A lot of these characters also have big tattoos and un-brushed hair. These outfits and appearances are stereo typically associated with criminals, which therefore allows the audience to easily categorise them as the 'baddies' of the scene. This is further emphasised through the contrast in outfits of the police from the criminals: they wear suits and matching uniforms that are neat, smart and polished. Their uniformed, organised appearance connotes to the audience their authority and power. Therefore, when we see the police raid the house, the audience are easily able to understand that the men inside are bad and criminally acting by not listening to the police.

Another use of mise-en-scene within the extract is lighting. Outside of the house, it is normal daylight. However, this contrasts with the inside of the house, which is a dark, desaturated light and a lot harder to see. The sudden loss of light within the house, connotes a serious situation as well as danger - because darkness is usually associated with evil. Therefore, through the darkening of the lighting, the audience understand the situation has become more serious and dangerous.

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