Friday, 1 March 2019

Observer Q9

There is a dominance of colourful promotional material on the cover, for example -'free supplement inside' -which shows the social context of consumerism. People not only want but expect and accept self-promotion in media products. The Observer clearly knows this and happily promotes themselves on this tweet. There is also a dominance of photographs on the tweet, which is highlighted by the saturated colour and lack of text. This shows that, due to what the readers want, traditional broadsheet newspapers have slowly adapted to become more like tabloids.

There are also ethnically diverse representations on the front page, representing the diversity of modern Britain as well as the diversity of the readers of the Observer - this reflects the social and cultural contexts. In addition to diversity, there is also a diverse range of female representations. For example it has an image of  a woman who is following a stereotypical role of females: as a cook - but there is also another woman who is represented as fit and sporty. These representations contrast each other and show the social context of the time - how feminism has had a big impact on society.

The lead story is on Brexit, which shows the political context of the time - it shows that Brexit has the dominance when it comes to political debate in England. The use of big text, represents its importance within the newspaper and also suggests that it is serious and important. Many of the Observer readers are middle class and follow the left side of the political scale, therefore the Brexit article would be of a lot of interest to the audience - showing the importance of politics within our society.

Additionally, the fact that this article is in the form of a tweet gives the chance for a lot of interactivity - in the form of: retweets, likes and comments. This shows a social context in which audiences now expect to have a participatory relationship with media forms.

1 comment:

  1. Marks 10 + 5 =15 Well done, Daisy.
    AO2(1a) Analyse media products using the theoretical framework of media including in relation to their contexts. (total 10 marks)
    Level 3 (7–10 marks)
    An excellent application of the relevant elements of the theoretical framework and media contexts.
    • A sophisticated, perceptive and accurate analysis of relevant aspects of the extract supported by a range of examples.

    AO2(1b) Make judgements and draw conclusions. (total 5 marks)
    Level 3 (4–5 marks)
    A clear judgement and conclusion is reached and is fully supported by the analysis.
    There is a well-developed line of reasoning which is clear and logically structured. The information presented is relevant and substantiated.
