Thursday 8 March 2018


Image result for emmerdale episodes
This picture promises the audience emotions as well as what could be a strong bond between a couple, mother and daughter, friends or even sisters.
Image result for emmerdale episodes
This picture shows that there will be different age-groups involved within the show, which means there will be range of situations and will cover a larger viewing  age-audience. It also shows that the show could be situated around the idea of big families.
Image result for emmerdale episodes
This image shows that the show is set within a green area, probably within the countryside. This further means that the characters are likely to know each other very well because the town is so small and isolated.
Image result for emmerdale guy with scarred face
This image promises the audience that there is drama because, he would not be in hospital with an injured face if there hadn't been a previous fight or accident.

1 comment:

  1. Grade A
    Good understanding of genre codes and conventions.
