Tuesday 20 February 2018


1. Analyse how sound is used in the extract to create meaning. Refer to at least two examples from the extract in your answer. 

In this extract, sound is used to create meaning from the use of background sound, sound effects and off-screen speech. The background sound is incidental music used within the background of the action scene. The music is fast past, repetitive and on-going which creates a sense of tension in the watcher because it connotates the action, the danger, the excitement and the urgency of the situation. Without the music, the scene would be more calm for the audience and less exhilarating to experience.
 Sound effects are, additionally, used, for example the screeching of the police cars as they zoom off and the shattering of glass as it is smashed. The use of the screeching sound represents the speed and urgency of the police car, which also shows that there is an exciting situation about to occur. Whereas the smashing of the glass, another semiotic, shows us that there is a crime being committed and it is a violent action.
Off-screen speech is also used, for example the sound of the police-officers call for help over the walky-talky creates contrasting connotations of emergency to those of the canteen. Therefore the audience gets a bigger understanding of both situations.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 5 out of 5
    Good to have more than 2 examples
    Clear TEE
